1. We are a non-profit online community of old school L2C1x1 fans, aka L2C1x1 fan-club.
  2. Our community is international. Use English to be understood.
  3. We maintain C1 Private Test Server (PTS) with few game worlds to fit wide range of L2C1x1 fans' interest:
    1. Bartz aka "Heaven" with moderate rules, allowing the use of automation software (aka "bots").
      Use of exploits is strictly forbidden and is treated as server abuse.
      Choose this world for a moderate x1 experience with a developed economy.
    2. Sieghardt aka "Hell" with very strict rules.
      Use of exploits, automation software is strictly forbidden and is treated as server abuse.
      Choose this world for a real hardcore experience.
    3. Kain aka "Chaos" with no rules, allowing the use of any software, client modifications, exploits, etc.
      Use this world for testing. "Chaos" may be wiped at any time.

    All game worlds are free and will remain free of "donations" in terms of receiving any benefit affecting game mechanics.

    Game Worlds Summary
    World ID #1 #2 #3
    World Name Heaven Hell Chaos
    Canonical Name Bartz Sieghardt Kain
    Open Date Apr 4, 2016 TBD1 Jan 11, 2017
    Rules Moderate Strict Absent
    Rules Differences Explained
    Use Of Is
    Automation Software Allowed* Forbidden Allowed
    Exploits Forbidden Forbidden Allowed
    NPC's AI Limitations Allowed Allowed* Allowed
    *) In order to improve player's experience some limitations may apply

    All rights for PTS software reserved by NCSOFT. PTS is used by a community without any profit only for testing and for informational purposes.

  4. In addition to C1 PTS, we maintain and develop a number of auxiliary services:

    Software developed by the community is open-source and is licensed under an MIT License.

  5. We reserve the right to protect our servers and services by limiting or completely forbidding access for individuals abusing them.

1) Hell opening is blocked by the absence of GM team to administer it. We're working on the GM team formation and rules. Give us a note if you'd like to participate as a GM.

Updated: January 2, 2020